Robert Albright (Deceased)
Jay Ashbaugh
Ronald Beane (Deceased)
Richard Bleakely (Deceased)
E. H. Braaten (Deceased)
Junior Paul Brawley
Charles E. Brown (Deceased)
LaRue Bruce
William Brueckner (Deceased)
Terry Butler
Marge Carnahan
Robert A. Cicula
Ann Clark
Darla Cotner (Deceased)
Ruth Cotner (Deceased)
Richard Debacco
Thomas A. Forbes (Deceased)
C. R. (Bud) Fowkes (Deceased)
Darrel Gehman
G. Marvin Goetz
Barbara A. Goss (Deceased)
Dick Goss (Deceased)
Nancy Heck
William Heck
Dick Hepler
Rodney L. Hoover
Will John (Deceased)
William Johnson (Deceased)
Vernon Kinsey (Deceased)
Herman Knoble (Deceased)
Brandy McRoberts
Eric McRoberts
Carole Meinhart (Deceased)
Jo Mentzer
Phil Mentzer
Linda A. Meyers
Rodney Miller (Deceased)
Albert C. Oswald (Deceased)
Jean Oswald
John Pawlowski
Jay Peake
Jim Persing
John Poole
George Provlic
Robert Sarver
Gregory Schoen
Keith Schuyler (Deceased)
Gary Seymour
Clayton B. Shenk (Deceased)
Margaret Shenk
Ralph L. Shope, Jr.
Glenn Shuey
John B. Sibly
Lawrence (Bud) Simon
George Slinzer (Deceased)
Janet Smouse
Bernie Soltysik
Connie Stevens
Odrun Stevens
Kerry Switzer
Randy Thompson
Alfred Towler
Vernon Vandevender (Deceased)
Richard W. Wallace
John Williams
Marty Yontz (Deceased)
Kelly Zerbe (Deceased)
Terry Zerbe
The PSAA Honorary Membership shall be bestowed sparingly and only in recognition of outstanding and unselfish contributions and exceptional merit and service to archery in any of its phases (including Bow Hunting), to the end that the PSAA Honorary Member shall for all time retain its place as the most highly esteemed PSAA Award.